Privacy policy

Valga Romuring MTÜ is responsible to protect the privacy of its clients and users. According to that, we have put in place the following privacy policy, that handles the collecting, usage, presentation, transmission and saving of the personal data of our clients. Our dealings on the internet are consictant with the present laws of the Europien Union and Republic of Estonia

Collecting and using personal data

Personal data is data, that Valga Romuruing MTÜ collects from individuals, to contact or identify them. Personal data can be collected, if the client gives their agreement, by the following:

Presenting contact detiles (like name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address) on our website;
By using our website and having an account on it;
By cookies;
When placing and order on our website (Valga Romuring MTÜ may ask on different parts of our website, to voluntarely present personal information or data. This my be a name, address, postaladdress, e-mail address and phone number).

Using personal data

The collected data helps us to contact our clients and let them know about upcoming events. Clients who do not wish to recive our newslatters can unsubscribe themself at anytime.

Valga Romuring MTÜ uses personal data to send products to our clients and fullfill their duities against their clients. In order to improve our costumerservice, can Valga Romuring MTÜ publish personal data about some clients to third parties, who work for or with Valga Romuring MTÜ, who also are, according to contract, required to keep these detiles confidential. For example a third party is considered to be one of our partners who is responsible for the management of the timing systems.

On the day of the race and thereafter, we will publish on the website the name of the competitor, the make and number of the race car, the name of the competitor’s club and the position in the section of the results.

Protection of personal data

Webshop Valga Romuring MTÜ uses all precautionari measures (including adiministarative, technical and physical measures) to protect the personal data of its clients. Accsess to modifie and use presonal data has only authorized personnel.

If your are in doubt that your personal data is being missused by our privacy policy or they have been leaked to a third party, let us know immidietly. Only then can we help and keep the damages to the minimum extenct.

The client has the right to stop us from using his/her personal data and giving it to third parties. To avoide the missuse of our clients data, the information given must be presented that way, taht the client can be identified (digitally signed or signed personaly by hand). We preserve the right to answer within 30 days.

Requirement for termination of data processing is handeled as a termination of a loyalty contract.


All information collected in the e-enviromnt of Valga Romuring MTÜ is handeled as confidential. Crypted channels linked to banking guarantees safety for the buyers personal data and banking detiles.

Privacy policy conditions and changes

Valga Romuring MTÜ remains the right to change the conditions of the privacy policy. When using our website, we assume, that the client has red and agrees with our principals. If there are any quiestions or concernes about our privacy policy, please contact us at

Valga Romuring MTÜ transfers the personal data necessary for the execution of payments to authorized processor Maksekeskus AS.